Thursday, September 3, 2020

War Occurs Because There Is Nothing to Prevent It Essay

War Occurs Because There Is Nothing to Prevent It - Essay Example As per the pragmatist hypothesis, the universal framework works on balanced governance strategy that is defective to a limited degree given the ethnic and social dissimilarities between the people groups of the world. Samuel Huntington’s â€Å"The Clash of Civilizations† contends that the separation points between civic establishments lead to war. This has demonstrated in the repercussions of the 9/11 assaults against the US. Different observers like Robert Kagan have highlighted the resurgence of Russia and the ongoing clash in the Caucasus among Russia and Georgia for instance of how â€Å"history returns† at whatever point certain countries tumble from pre-greatness and afterward stand up for themselves to recover the lost brilliance. In his ongoing work, â€Å"The Return of History and the End of dreams†, Keegan compellingly makes the point about how the 21st century may appear as though with regards to global relations. The pragmatist viewpoint appear s to be a decent crystal to take a gander at the perplexing elements molding war. This can be seen from the way that in the repercussions of the fall of the Berlin Wall and the Collapse of Communism, the then US president George Bush Sr. put forth a defense for a â€Å"New World Order† and broadcasted that â€Å"we are at the edge of another period that has been envisioned by ages of men however has consistently evaded them†. Be that as it may, the rapture was fleeting as Iraq, under Saddam Hussein assaulted Kuwait and in this way this prompted American intercession and the main Gulf war. Hence, we have history rehashing itself in 2008 when Russia stood up for itself in South Ossetia.