Friday, January 31, 2020

Sources of Errors as a Student, Employee, Business Owner Essay Example for Free

Sources of Errors as a Student, Employee, Business Owner Essay Error Proofing/Poka-Yokes: The most useful mean for the lean incessant improvement is that of poka-yokes. The idea actually is to develop countermeasures that give protection against errors and mistakes that occur in a process. If we follow these countermeasures, we would be considered secure from many errors which can be disastrous for us. The idea to make every aspect of life error proof permeates our education sector, our attitude as employees, and as business owners. 1. Student Errors:Â  * The common error made by the students is to choice their profession, which may not be according to their capabilities and talent. Therefore, it is necessary to choose the profession according to the talent and abilities. * There are students, irregular in their studies because they do not manage a proper schedule for studies. To avoid this, they need to plan for their study goals properly. 2. Employees Errors: * The relationship of an employee with his boss and colleagues matters a lot in understanding his nature of working. He must have the ability to follow the management decisions and direct his subordinates properly. * Violation of rules from the employee’s side. Every organization has its rules and every employees needs to follow these rules in order to work for the benefit of the organization. 3. Business Owner Errors: * Failure of any business is that when business owners don’t set their goals to attain. So in order to avoid the failure there must be strategy and rules. * Business owner may not have strength to get the required quality of work from workers. He must have grip on every aspect of his business. 4. Personal Life Errors: * Some people do not have clarity in their life. It is one of the major error or mistake of life. One must set goals to enjoy a successful life. * Some people are trying to find the shortcuts for enjoying a successful life which may prove fatal for them. Therefore, go for hard work rather to find shortcut paths.

Thursday, January 23, 2020

Racial Prejudice in Harper Lee´s To Kill a Mockingbird Essay -- discri

Life is like a thrill ride; one never knows what will be in store for them. Many characters in the story To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee feel the same way about life, having experienced many surprising and unexpected turns of events. This story is about a sleepy southern town filled with prejudice, and a lawyer’s quest, along with his children Scout and Jem, to take steps in ridding the town of its prejudiced attitude. Despite being a white man, a lawyer named Atticus, defends an innocent black man accused of raping a white woman. However, everything does not go as was hoped, and the mindset of the society overpowered Atticus’s fair-minded argument. From this emerges a theme regarding the bigotry and bias overwhelming Maycomb: A prejudiced society results in blindness and ignorance, which can be thwarted through courageous and compassionate actions. The discriminatory mindset of Maycomb’s society shows how prejudice can result in blindness. For example, in Scout’s class, Miss Gates talks about persecution of innocent people in a society after a student brings up the topic of Hitler and the massacre going on in Germany. â€Å"Over here we don’t believe in persecuting anybody. Persecution comes from people who are prejudiced.† (329) Miss Gates is extremely biased towards black people in her own society, and she doesn’t recognize the atrocities happening all around her, similar to the ones happening in Germany. This quote employs irony to show that because of these dominant external and internal influences, Miss Gates is blind to the injustice taking place. She is overly discriminatory towards black people, and feels that they should be treated as lower than white people. This shows how strongly biased mindsets, similar to th... ...history by nearly every race and group in the world; even those who seem the most peaceful and sophisticated commit this atrocity. For example, in the American colonial times, white men from Europe settling in the Americas discriminated against the Native Americans. They decided that they were superior to the Native Americans, and that they had total right to rampage their native lands and claim it as their own. This has been happening ever since the beginning of time and it will continue until the end of civilization, but through courage and compassion, the destructive course of prejudice can be controlled. Work Cited Lee, Harper. To Kill a Mockingbird. New York: Warner Books, 1982.

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Animal Cruelty Analysis

Animal Cruelty Shawn Brinkley Devry University Animal Cruelty Animal cruelty is something we hear about every day on the television from all the different shows. We think we understand the whole concept in which someone can be like that to an animal. The type of person that treats a animal like an object instead of a living breathing thing on this earth is someone that has certain issues that we all can not truly explain. Animal cruelty; what is animal cruelty? Is it cruelty to animals at any point, or is it just for self-glorification? There are many forms of animal cruelty.Most see animal cruelty as a intentional hatred or violence towards animals in which the animals suffer for no known reason other than possible self-satisfaction or glorification of the individual. While some people only think of animal cruelty in the confines of domestic animals e. g. dogs, cats, and other household pets, it extends far beyond that. Cruelty to animals, also known as animal abuse or animal neglec t consists of inflictions of suffering or harm upon animals of the non-human type. Animal abuse can be narrowed down to specific gain, such as killing animals for food or for their fur.The term animal cruelty often arises when opinions differ in respect to the method of slaughter of the animal. Certain cruelty to animals encompasses inflicting harm for personal amusement or to fulfill zoo sadistic impulses, such as inflicting physical harm that can leave the animal disfigured. In looking into animal abuse or animal neglect you may find two different ways to approach the issue. Looking into this further, animal welfare has a position that there is nothing inherently wrong with using animals for human purposes, such as food, clothing, entertainment, and research.Although this does mean these things have to be done in a humane way to minimize unnecessary pain and suffering to the animals themselves. Animal theorist have also criticized that these reason can be argued by the words such as â€Å"unnecessary† and â€Å"Humane† being that they are widely differing interpretations. One argument is to insure protection for animals by making them not to be considered as property and never used as commodities as well. The legal side of this is that the law is designed to prevent the needless cruelty to animals, like killing the animals for fun instead of utilizing the animal for food.Specific countries may frown upon certain animals being used as a source of food having instated in the laws that the cruelty of this is something that will be looked over and not enforced. As a country does not enforce their own laws on the cruelty of the animals this leaves the wide variety of cruelty being looked at closely. Many countries jurisdictions vary around the world having enacted statutes for which forbidden cruelty to some animals may vary and in some cases by the use or practices. There are many reasons individuals abuse animals, cruelty to animals covers a wide range of actions or the lack of action.As we learn about the animal abuse in the world we see certain patterns of behavior employed by most abusers. When we look into animal cruelty it is often broken down into two main categories: active and passive cruelty, this is also referred to as commission and omission. Passive cruelty is in which the cruelty is a lack of action rather than the action itself. Such examples are when a person does not feed the animal (starvation, dehydration and parasite infestations). Other forms are allowing a collar to grow in the skin of the animal because of over tightening and heavy restraints.Inadequate shelter is another where in by the animal isn't given shelter in extreme weather conditions. Active cruelty is where malicious intent is the driving force behind causing harm to animals. Examples of this are when the animal is hurt in any way for no reason such as, beating a dog so hard that they can't walk for barking, shooting animals for fun instead o f game or sport, and throwing a cat off a bridge to see if they can always land on their feet. These examples are active cruelty for the reason of plain enjoyment of the person conducting them.Long before animals became part of the corporate industrial process, the ethics of the animals came first with the husbandry which is the care of the animals. This was the whole interest of the farmers they believed this was a major part in the raising of the animals. Animals were raised on diverse farms that produced crops and several species of animals having access to open pasture and barnyard when weather permits. Husbandry was considered the responsibility of the producers; now that this has all changed the conditions have become considerably worse. â€Å"According to one poll conducted by Oklahoma StateUniversity and the American Farm Bureau Federation found that 75% of the public would like to see government mandates for basic animal welfare measures. † (http://www. closeanimalfa ctories. org/the-issues/animal-cruelty/) Chickens are one of the top leading animals that are miss-treated. Hens sometimes live in a cage that is now bigger than a sheet of paper, causing them to grow into the wires of the cage and slowly dying from dehydration. These kinds of farms breed the birds for only one purpose. Other farms consist of thousands of hens breed just for laying eggs and nothing more. In the United States, an estimated 95% of egg-laying hens are intensively confined in battery cages. †(United Egg Producers. (2008 Edition published 2003). Inside these cages they keep 5 to 6 birds in, but sometime they go too far and keep up to 10 birds. These cages are simply larger in size, but are made from the same material as the cages the size of a sheet of paper. The number of birds that are used like this will astound most Americans. â€Å"As of December 2008, about 300 million birds are confined in battery, almost one for every U. S. citizens. † (USDA National Agriculture Statistics Service. (2008).Pigs are another animal that is covered in the animal cruelty world very widely. The pig farms out there have many pigs that are breed just to breed or only live for a few months before they are slaughtered. Pigs have been used for testing on the side for their skin, because they have the closes skin type to humans this brings on the many test. Pig farms have become larger because of the slow push out of the smaller farms. â€Å"Since the factory systems took hold in the late 1960s, more and more pigs have been produced by increasingly larger operations where small pig farms start to disappear. † (National Hog Farmer, 15 Feb. 002) Pigs are being used like they are machines instead of animals. Certain farms believe that they are just there for one purpose. Some farmers have stated this â€Å"Forget the pig is an animal. Treat him just like a machine in a factory. Schedule treatments like you would lubrication. Breeding season like the f irst step in a assembly line. And marketing like the delivery of finished goods. † (Hog Farm Management Sept 1976). Throughout the nation there millions of pigs being used in these farms and live these kinds of live. Pigs in farms today are pumped with antibiotics because of the many different types of disease that are showing up. In the U. S. , antibiotics are added to 90% of starter feeds, 75% of grower feeds and more than half of finishing feeds for pigs† (Keep Antibiotics Working – Dec. 2003). The reason behind this because of the pigs being packed in cages that barely fit them. â€Å"Two-thirds of all pigs produced in the United States, or around fifty-three million animals a year, spend their lives in a total confinement pig farm. † (Hog Farm Management Sept 1976). Animals being treat as a product is becoming more and more profound. These animals being treated as factories or just machines is something we as a society address on the behalf of the anim als themselves.Animals have been around for millions of years and yes we as humans do depend on them for survival, but we need to understand that many animals are being harmed for this. Animals are used for something every day of our lives from being something we eat, something that we cherish, something we make money from. Animals have made a difference in our live even if we don’t know it. The cruelty to animals is becoming an epidemic across the United States from the smaller animals of bird, dog, cats, and exotic animals.The larger animals are becoming the main source of the cruelty from the chickens, up to the elephants in the circuses. Throughout the nation we have organizations that are willing to stand up for the animals and fight for them as well. The Humane society, PETA, and the animal activist out there are willing to step up to the defense of the animals themselves. PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) is an organization that believes that animals h ave rights just as humans. These rights fight for the animals to not be treated in humane in any way that a human would not be treated as well.In conclusion, animal cruelty is a problem not only in our country but throughout the world. Simple reasons may have cause the cruelty and maybe they are caused by malicious intent of a person. Animal cruelty is something that can be addressed and stop throughout the world if we as people are will to step in. The steps needed to stop animal cruelty are slowly taking effect, from the interaction of law into the farms, to the government shutting down the larger production companies. Reference: The Center to Exposed & Close Animal Factories 2010 http://www. closeanimalfactories. rg/the-issues/animal-cruelty/ United Egg Producers. (2008 Edition published 2003). United Egg Producers Animal Husbandry Guidelines For U. S. Egg Laying Flocks. Retrieved November 15, 2008. Page 1, paragraph 6. USDA National Agriculture Statistics Service. (2008). Chicke ns and Eggs. Retrieved December 16, 2008. page 1. Joe Vansickle, â€Å"Quality Assurance Program Launched,† National Hog Farmer, 15 Feb. 2002 http://www. animalsuffering. com/resources/facts/factory-farming. php J. Byrnes – Raising Pigs by the Calendar at Maplewood Farm – Hog Farm Management Sept 1976

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

How Was Archaeopteryx Discovered

Fittingly for a creature that most people consider to be the first bird, the story of Archaeopteryx begins with a single, fossilized feather. This artifact was discovered in 1861 by the paleontologist Christian Erick Hermann von Meyer in Solnhofen (a town in the south German region of Bavaria). For centuries, Germans have been quarrying Solnhofens extensive limestone deposits, which were laid down about 150 million years ago during the late Jurassic period. Ironically, though, this first, wispy hint of the existence of Archaeopteryx has since been downgraded by paleontologists. Von Meyers discovery was quickly followed by the unearthing of various, more-complete Archaeopteryx fossils, and it was only in retrospect that his feather was assigned to the Archaeoteryx genus (which was designated in 1863 by the worlds most renowned naturalist at the time, Richard Owen). It turns out that this feather may not have come from Archaeopteryx at all but from a closely related genus of dino-bird! Confused yet? Well, it gets much worse: it turns out that a specimen of Archaeopteryx had actually been discovered as early as 1855, but it was so fragmentary and incomplete that, in 1877, no less an authority than von Meyer classified it as belonging to Pterodactylus (one of the first pterosaurs, or flying reptiles, ever to be identified). This mistake was rectified in 1970 by the American paleontologist John Ostrom, who is famous for his theory that birds evolved from feathered dinosaurs like Deinonychus. The Golden Age of Archaeopteryx: London and Berlin Specimens To backtrack a bit: Shortly after von Meyer discovered his feather, in 1861, a near-complete Archaeopteryx specimen was unearthed in another part of the Solnhofen formation. We dont know who the lucky fossil-hunter was, but we do know that he gave his find to a local doctor in lieu of payment and that this doctor then sold the specimen to the Natural History Museum in London for 700 pounds (a massive amount of money in the mid-19th century). The second (or third, depending on how youre counting) Archaeopteryx specimen suffered a similar fate. This was discovered in the mid-1870s by a German farmer named Jakob Niemeyer, who quickly sold it to an innkeeper so he could buy a cow. (One imagines that Niemeyers descendants, if any are alive today, deeply regret this decision). This fossil traded hands a few more times and was eventually bought by a German museum for 20,000 goldmarks, an order of magnitude more than the London specimen had fetched a couple of decades before. What did contemporaries think about Archaeopteryx? Well, heres a quote from the father of evolutionary theory, Charles Darwin, who had published the Origin of Species only a few months before Archaopteryxs discovery: We know, on the authority of Professor Owen, that a bird certainly lived during the deposition of the upper greensand [i.e., the sediments dating from the late Jurassic period]; and still more recently, that strange bird, the Archeopteryx, with a long lizard-like tail, bearing a pair of feathers on each joint, and with its wings furnished with two free claws, has been discovered in the oolitic slates of Solnhofen. Hardly any recent discovery shows more forcibly than this how little we as yet know of the former inhabitants of the world. Archaeopteryx in the 20th Century New specimens of Archaeopteryx have been discovered at regular intervals throughout the 20th century--but given our much-improved knowledge of Jurassic life, some of these dino-birds have been relegated, tentatively, to new genera and sub-species. Heres a list of the most important Archaeopteryx fossils of modern times: The Eichstatt specimen was discovered in 1951 and described almost a quarter-century later by the German paleontologist Peter Wellnhofer. Some experts speculate that this small individual actually belongs to a separate genus, Jurapteryx, or at least that it should be classified as a new Archaeopteryx species. The Solnhofen specimen, discovered in the early 1970s, was also examined by Wellnhofer after it had been misclassified as belonging to Compsognathus (a small, non-feathered dinosaur that has also been found in the Solnhofen fossil beds). Once again, some authorities believe that this specimen actually belongs to newly designated contemporary of Archaeopteryx, Wellnhoferia. The Thermopolis specimen, discovered in 2005, is the most complete Archaeopteryx fossil discovered to date and has been a key piece of evidence in the continuing debate about whether Archaeopteryx was truly the first bird, or closer to the dinosaur end of the evolutionary spectrum. No discussion of Archaeopteryx is complete without mentioning the Maxberg specimen, the mysterious fate of which sheds some light on the seamy intersection of commerce and fossil-hunting. This specimen was discovered in Germany in 1956, described in 1959, and owned privately after that by one Eduard Opitsch (who loaned it out to the Maxberg Museum in Solnhofen for a few years). After Opitsch died, in 1991, the Maxberg specimen was nowhere to be found; investigators believe that it was stolen from his estate and sold to a private collector, and it hasnt been seen since. Was There Really Only One Species of Archaeopteryx? As the above list demonstrates, the various specimens of Archaeopteryx discovered over the last 150 years have created a tangle of proposed genera and individual species that are still being sorted out by paleontologists. Today, most paleontologists prefer to group most (or all) of these Archaeopteryx specimens into the same species, Archaeopteryx lithographica, though some still insist on referring to the closely related genera Jurapteryx and Wellnhoferia. Given that Archaeopteryx has yielded some of the most exquisitely preserved fossils in the world, you can imagine how confusing it is to classify the less well-attested reptiles of the Mesozoic Era!