Monday, December 30, 2019

Never Give up on Love in Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte

A love that is lost and then regained. Separation and union, but Healthcliff never gives up on his love for Catherine. A yet tragic story that can explain by this character is full of bitterness and vein. That is how Mr. Lockwood comes to pity and understand Heathcliff. By hearing this love story that Aservant who has lived through it to see it all happen tell him. Thou this foreigner (Mr.Lockwood) is yet alike with Heathcliff because they both share the aspect of not being true people of Wuthering Heights; for they have both come from other city. But in this story we are taking beyond this to understand why Heathcliff is such way. Lockwood is more social and is the person to start up the conversation. For example in the beginning when he first meets Mr.Healthcliff, â€Å"‘Mr. Heathcliff?’ I said. ‘A nod was the answer.‘Mr. Lockwood, your new tenant, sir. I do myself the honour of calling as soon as possible† I exhibit that even though Mr. Heathcliff is not being courteous ; Lockwood still insists and continues his conversation in wait for mr.Haethcliff to reply; and he maintains his manners. Other hand It shows how Mr. Heathcliff is antisocial, he has always keep to himself. From when he was a child . Thorought his live he only depended of two people the guy that adopt him and Catherine. ANdwhen he looses his love he just places himself in an outcast position. So much a that when an outside comes â€Å"Guests are so exceedingly rare in this house that I and my dogs, I am willing toShow MoreRelatedEmily Brontes Wuthering Heights: Mental Illness and Feminism1663 Words   |  7 Pagesand are never looked into on a deeper level. It is important to search for more than what is seen in a literary work. Wuthering Heights is a great example of a book with its own hidden secrets that can surface with a little research. Emily Bronte’s Wuthering Heights depicts the oppression of women from mentally unstable individuals. Overview of Author Emily Bronte was born in Yorkshire, England on July 30, 1818 (â€Å"Emily Jane Bronte 1), to a family dedicated to literature (â€Å"Emily Jane Bronte† 2). EducationRead MoreEmily Bronte s Wuthering Heights1283 Words   |  6 PagesEmily Brontà «Ã¢â‚¬â„¢s Wuthering Heights is told from a complicated point of view. The narrator of the past is Nelly Dean, while the present time narrator is Mr. Lockwood. Set as a story within a story, Nelly tells Lockwood an eyewitness account of her dealings with the Earnshaws and the Lintons, while Lockwood is the outsider who records in his diary Nelly’s stories of Wuthering Heights and Thrushcross Grange. From the novel’s beginning, Lockwood proves himself to be objective, while Nelly is subjectiveRead MoreWuthering Heights By Emily Bronte1555 Words   |  7 Pages2015 Wuthering Heights (1847) by Emily Brontà « Introduction The novel Wuthering Heights was written in 1847 by Emily Brontà «. The plot unravels with Lockwood visiting his landlord at Wuthering Heights; as Lockwood stays the night, he starts to discover items within the home and later a fatal vision appears, which causes him great curiosity. Lockwood returns back to his residence at Thrushcross Granges and listens to the history of his landlord, Heathcliff; told by an old servant at Wuthering HeightsRead MoreWuthering Heights1634 Words   |  7 PagesEmily Brontà «, known for her novel Wuthering Height, was inspired for her writing through her siblings from a young age. Brontà « was born in Yorkshire, England in 1818. She had one younger sibling, Anne, and four older ones, Maria, Elizabeth, Charlotte, and Patrick Branwell. When Brontà « and her family moved to Haworth in West Yorkshire, Maria and Elizabeth both died of tuberculosis. Emily was raised in the rural countryside in solitude, which provided a background for her Gothic novel, W uthering HeightsRead MoreEssay on The Depth of Emely Brontes Wuthering Heights1345 Words   |  6 PagesWuthering Heights was written by Emily Bronte’, although she first published her novels under a gentleman’s name. Her famous novel has become a classic in English literature. It would be the least to say her imagination was quite impressive. Through her child imagination, Bronte’ and her siblings would write children stories. â€Å"Emily’s childhood created an imaginary nation, originating from the numerous poems devoted to the doings of the Gondals† (Bradner 129). The ‘Gondal’ poems they wrote inspiredRead MoreThe Lives of Emily and Charlotte Brontà «2000 Words   |  8 PagesEmily and Charlotte Brontà « retained exceptional novels throughout history. Their stories captivate the minds of readers alike, taking them to a world of dark, eerie hatred, and overcoming the obstacle faced with love and devotion. However, both sisters ha ve diverse styles of writing. Charlotte Brontà « tends to use more humor through her works, while Emily Brontà « uses more satire along with a sardonic tone. T hey both come together to have somewhat similar themes, making the moral of the story mentallyRead MoreWuthering Heights By Emily Bronte1936 Words   |  8 PagesWuthering Heights, a novel by Emily Bronte is one of the most admired and favorable written works in English literature. When the novel was published in the year 1847, it sold very poorly and only received a minimum amount of reviews. Although the novel does not contain any sexual relations or bloodshed, it is considered to be inappropriate due to its portrayal of an unconstrained love and cruelty. Wuthering Heights is formed on the Gothic tradition in the late 18th century, which consists of supernaturalRead MoreEmily Bronte s Wuthering Heights1693 Words   |  7 PagesUnfortunate Events Emily Bronte, a highly esteemed and imaginative writer, is the mastermind behind the novel Wuthering Heights. When Bronte was very young, her mother passed away from a serious, untreatable sickness. After her death, Branwell, Bronte’s older brother, took care of the children (Pettingell). Her brother, a poet and painter, turned to an alcoholic and drug abuser was responsible for the children as they all grew up together. He was irrational and never treated Emily and her sisters theRead MoreExamine the Gothic Elements in the Novel Wuthering Heights, by Emily Brontà «2371 Words   |  10 PagesExamine the Gothic Elements in the Novel Wuthering Heights, by Emily Brontà « Gothic literature originated and was very strong at the time of the Romantic Writers Movement. They were very popular and had authors such as Horace Walpole who wrote â€Å"The Castle of Oranto†, and novels such as â€Å"Frankenstein† and â€Å"Draculaâ€Å". Gothic novels all had a similarity between each other. They always had typical Gothic features which alleviated the novel in one way or another. For example, most Gothic novels involvedRead MoreWuthering Heights Victim vs. Victimizer1247 Words   |  5 Pagesliterary characters who play the role of a victim. In Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte, Heathcliff: an outsider brought into the wealthy Earnshaw family, Hindley: the eldest Earnshaw child with a strong dislike for Heathcliff, and Hareton: the orphaned child Heathcliff takes in to raise, are victims, yet they evolve to perpetuate the abuse they suffered. Being able to be or become a victim or victimizer show the complexity of these characters. Emily Bronte manipulates readers to pity Heathcliff, Hindley

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Cognitive Behaviorism And Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Chapter VIII. Cognitive-Behaviorism Cognitive-behaviorism has been highly embraced by popular culture and managed care, partly because it offers quick fixes into behavioral problems and emotional distresses. Often times, students are confused by the terminologies cognitive and cognitive-behaviorism. To add to the confusion, there is also cognitive therapy and cognitive-behavioral therapy. These terms are sometimes used interchangeably in literature, but there are slight differences. Cognitive therapy is a specific type of therapy technique developed by Aaron Beck in the 1960s. Cognitive-behavioral therapy is a group of therapy techniques that share similar theoretical and practical elements in counseling. Some of them are presented later in this chapter. Both Cognitive therapy and cognitive-behavioral therapy are grouped under the field of cognitive psychology or the pragmatic school of thought, also called cognitive approach. All of which have their roots in behaviorism. Counselors typically prefer the term cognitive- behaviorism because change in cognition impacts change in emotions and behaviors. It is this key element that therapists strive to reach with their patients. In other words, simply changing the cognition without changing the behavior or emotions associated with that cognition is futile. 1. Main Assumption: Individual’s maladaptive emotions and behaviors are caused by their faulty ways of thinking (cognitions). 2. Human Nature: Cognitive-behaviorists believeShow MoreRelatedExploring Cognitive Behavior Theory And Therapy897 Words   |  4 PagesExploring Cognitive Behavior Theory and Therapy From the time of the advent of Sigmund Freud’s psychoanalytic theory and therapy until now, psychologists have searched for new and better ways to both understand and treat the human psyche. Many psychologists have spent their lives analyzing the complexities of human thought, behavior, and interactions with societal influences in order to find new ways to guide humans towards a more fulfilling human experience. Throughout time, various theories andRead MoreCognitive Behavior Therapy1617 Words   |  7 Pages Cognitive Behavior Therapy started as Behavior Therapy in 1966 by ten behaviorist who did not agree with the Freudian psychoanalytic model. Behavior Therapy really begins in the early 1900s during the behaviorist movement starting with Pavlov, Watson, Skinner, Thorndike, and Hull along with many other scientists that were primarily dealing with behavior and the observation of behavior. The 1950s two research groups in South Africa were on the way to making behavior therapy a science based therapyRead MoreCognitive Behavioral Therapy And Mental Health Disorders Essay1545 Words   |  7 Pagesdepression. Rather than relying on medications, clinical therapies are more effective to cure a variety of mental disorders. Although there are numerous psychological and physiological treatments to cure depression, ‘Cognitive Behavioral Therapy’ [CBT] will effectively treat depression as well as other mental health problems. Commonly used by most mental health experts, cognitive b ehavioral therapy is â€Å"a short-term, problem-focused form of behavioral treatment that helps people see the relationship betweenRead MoreA Fundamental Component Of Cbt890 Words   |  4 Pagescircumstances (Glicken, 2005). The typical reasoning approaches employed are distinguishing and challenging dysfunctional considerations about substances and distinguishing outwardly extraneous resolutions that lead to a relapse. Characteristic behavioral schemes employed are coping with cravings for substances, signal exposure, preferment of non-drug associated doings, organizing for difficulties and coping with decline (Frances, et al., 2011). Other rudiments of CBT include social abilities trainingRead MoreIs Relational Frame Theory?1730 Words   |  7 Pagessolve those disorders. The specific theory that we will be taking a look on is Acceptance and Commitment Therapy or more commonly known in the psychology world as ACT. Like most other theories that take from other theories in its format, this one is no different. Steven C. Hayes is considered and recognized by the psychological community to be the founder of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy. Steven Hayes is known for an analysis of human language and cognition. Otherwise known as Relational FrameRead MoreReflection Paper On Cognitive Behavioral Therapy1163 Words   |  5 Pagesreflect on my personal experience, I identify with cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). Changing your thoughts and behaviors can be one of the hardest lifestyle changes. It takes time and effort from the individual to truly change your thoughts and behaviors. Throughout this paper, I will dive deeper into CBT by exploring the historical roots, significance, and why I am drawn to it. Historical Roots The first wave of CBT, called behavioral therapy, originated in the 1950’s. It was a shift from psychoanalyticRead MoreThe Therapeutic Process Of The Bowens Transgenerational Model Is Governed By Two Main Goals1618 Words   |  7 Pagestherapeutic tool that can be used to graphically identify the family system of an individual and the various generational influences that the individual has. Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT) The CBT model is based on the theory that an event occurs (the situation), then people assign it a meaning (the interpretation), leading to an emotional, behavioral or physiological change (the reaction) (Ledley, Marx Heimberg, 2010, p. 12). CBT approach believes that people assign meaning to their events, and thenRead MoreCognitive Behavioral Therapy Essay2690 Words   |  11 PagesIntroduction: In order to overcome behavioral problems such as anxiety, depression or fear, individuals usually communicate their problems or anxieties with their trusted friends or family members. In case of a somewhat complicated problem, a counselor is consulted. These are a relatively simple form of psychotherapies that individuals have been practicing from centuries. However, with the development of modern science and advancements in the field of psychology, theorists have identified someRead MoreEffective Approaches to Counseling Essay example959 Words   |  4 Pagessituation. A small number of methods that may be put into practice are ego psychology, behaviorism, cognitive-behaviorism, and crisis intervention. Through a selected ethical decision-making process and assessment of the background of the circumstances, counselors are allowed to make determination that assist to extend the ability of people to mature and grow up. Counselors are deferential of approaches to therapy services that are difference from their own opinions. Professional ethics are an essentialRead MoreCognitive Behavioral Therapy ( Cbt )1697 Words   |  7 PagesCognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is one therapeutic approach that is capable of providing this group with effective psychotherapeutic treatment and interventions as well as approaches that enhances the effectiveness and efficiency of group therapy. Often developed for skills training, cognitive-behavioral groups are characterized by the use of practical interventions focused on behavior modification techniques (Wilson, Bouffard, and Mackenzie; 2005). The therapeutic goal of cognitive behavioral

Friday, December 13, 2019

Week 5 Reflection Free Essays

Week Five Reflection Paper Team B will reflect on why it is important for management as well as investors and creditors to understand the current and long-term liabilities. What makes it important to disclose contingencies as well as how do operating and capital leases relate to liabilities. It is important for managers to know what the company has as current or long-term liabilities because if they are not aware of what the funds look like they cannot affectively run the company. We will write a custom essay sample on Week 5 Reflection or any similar topic only for you Order Now This knowledge helps a manager be more effective at planning and organizing what the companies priority are. Without taking time to learn this, managers could overdraft a company’s bank account just trying to order supplies. External vendors would want to obtain this kind of information for a few reasons. One, investors who want to invest in your company they want to make sure they are making a very sound decision on their investment. Investors would not invest in a company if it was on the verge of filing for bankruptcy or going out of business. Creditor will also look at a company’s current and long-term liabilities. If a business has too much or too little debit this could be a sign of not being stable. So for a creditor this would also a high risk if they did not take the time to do some research and crunching of the numbers to see where the business or individual stands. The importance of disclosing any contingencies is really to keep companies honest about how their business is doing. Per FASB disclosing of this information gives financial statement users the ability to understand the nature of a loss contingency, potential magnitude as well as if known the potential timing. With a capital lease the liability relation would be equal, as you would list this lease on all financial statements, balance sheet, income statement as well as the cash flow statement. With operating leases the effect would be listed on the income statement and the cash flow statement but not the balance sheet. So team B has briefly reflected on the understanding of current and long-term liabilities, why is it important to disclose contingencies as well as how does operating and capital leases related to liabilities. How to cite Week 5 Reflection, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

An Analysis Of Roddy Doyles Wr Essay Example For Students

An Analysis Of Roddy Doyles Wr Essay An Analysis of Roddy Doyles Writing StyleRoddy Doyle is an Irish novelist from Dublin, Ireland, who has written several award winning anovels. Through the use of a variety of literary techniques, Doyle has been able to delve into the thoughts and minds of his characters, so that the reader can easily empathize with them. Specifically, through the use of vernacular language, detailed imagery, and stream of consciousness in two of his novels, The Woman Who Walked Into Doors and Paddy Clarke Ha Ha Ha, Roddy Doyle is able to successfully depict what occurs in the minds of both abused women, and adolescent boys, respectively. In The Woman Who Walked Into Doors, Roddy Doyle tells the story of a recovering alcoholic who has been in an abusive marriage. This woman, Paula Spencer, struggles throughout the novel to gain control of the confusion her life has become. Through his use of the vernacular, detailed imagery, and stream of consciousness, Doyle is able to show the effect that abuse has on its victims. Ever since she was a child, Paula Spencer was treated with disrespect. She attended a grade school which classified her as an idiot. As Paula described it, All the classes are named after Irish musicians. We were just 1.6. We got the worst room the worst teachers, the dopesIt was a fright, finding out that I was stupid (Doyle Doors 28). This use of vernacular language is seen throughout this novel. Doyles technique of writing in the vernacular is very effective in getting his point across, plain and simple. In this case, Doyle is able to effectively show the psychological abuse Paula suffered as a child and what effect it had on her. This is most likely where Paulas disrespect for herself stemmed from, and most likely what lead to her tolerance of the physical abuse yet to come. At a young age Paula married a man named Charlo Spencer. It was quite apparent from the beginning that Charlo was not the right man for Paula. However, she married him anyway, and over their seventeen years o f marriage Paula Spencer was severely beaten by her husband. The entire novel is about how Paula tries desperately to sort through her confusion. Since Doyle tells her story in the vernacular it is very easy for the reader to relate. Doyles language and first person narrative perfectly catch Paulas erratic thoughts, as she tries to sort out the tangled strands of her memory, and tries to recover those which are lost.(Cape 1)Paulas use of vulgar words throughout the novel is helps express the anger, pain and confusion she is feeling. Doyle does not try to clean up the language. His use of the vernacular in Paulas thoughts and speech conveys the anger and pain that an abuse victim feels. For instance:They were all the same; they didnt want to know. Theyd never ask. Heres a prescription; now fuck off. The young ones were the worst, the young ones in CasualtyI should have boxed her ears. A kid in a white coat, playing. Shouting at the nurses. A fuckin little child with no manners(Doyle Doors 190)Here Paula is describing the doctors who she sees every time she needs medical attention after she has been beaten by Charlo. It is apparent through her choice of words that she is angry and also that she wanted help, but didnt quite know how to get it. Her frustration with her situation is evident in her choice of words. Not only does Doyle do an excellent job in showing the abuse through his use of the vernacular, but he is also able to vividly describe the abuse to the reader through detailed imagery, conveyed through the thoughts of Paula herself. .u7c38fd64830fa8b4737907c49bfb8bbe , .u7c38fd64830fa8b4737907c49bfb8bbe .postImageUrl , .u7c38fd64830fa8b4737907c49bfb8bbe .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u7c38fd64830fa8b4737907c49bfb8bbe , .u7c38fd64830fa8b4737907c49bfb8bbe:hover , .u7c38fd64830fa8b4737907c49bfb8bbe:visited , .u7c38fd64830fa8b4737907c49bfb8bbe:active { border:0!important; } .u7c38fd64830fa8b4737907c49bfb8bbe .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u7c38fd64830fa8b4737907c49bfb8bbe { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u7c38fd64830fa8b4737907c49bfb8bbe:active , .u7c38fd64830fa8b4737907c49bfb8bbe:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u7c38fd64830fa8b4737907c49bfb8bbe .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u7c38fd64830fa8b4737907c49bfb8bbe .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u7c38fd64830fa8b4737907c49bfb8bbe .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u7c38fd64830fa8b4737907c49bfb8bbe .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u7c38fd64830fa8b4737907c49bfb8bbe:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u7c38fd64830fa8b4737907c49bfb8bbe .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u7c38fd64830fa8b4737907c49bfb8bbe .u7c38fd64830fa8b4737907c49bfb8bbe-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u7c38fd64830fa8b4737907c49bfb8bbe:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Culture shock EssayThroughout the novel, Paula Spencer vividly describes the episodes when Charlo beats her. The images her descriptions give the reader make it very clear how painful and frustrating it is for abuse victims. For example:He pushed me back into the corner. I felt hair coming away; skin fighting it. And a sharper pain when his shoe bit into my arm, like the cut of a knife. He grunted. He leaned against the wall over me. I

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Miele Organisational Resources Base

Introduction: general overview of the company Miele is the company which produces high-end home appliances and professional catering tools including kitchen equipment for industrial use. All tools and appliances produced under the Miele brand are associated with quality and reliability because the company’s intangible capital or, to be more exact, its reputation has been formed for decades with the help of approach that did not change for years.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Miele: Organisational Resources Base specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More In this respect, it is necessary to outline the key resources that made this company successful by now and offer certain strategies to sustain it in the current condition further. Besides, competitive advantage and its value for Miele’s success should be enlarged on as it brings the company along compared to its competitors’ position in the global mar ket taking into account Miele’s success within domestic market of home appliances and other goods produced under this brand. Key resources of the company’s success The key resources of any company include assets and capabilities. In this respect, Miele can be analysed as a brand whose customer based assets include strong company name and reputation based on high-quality products resulting in customer loyalty. In other words, the fact that the company spends more on innovation, research, development, and customer relationship management benefits its susses in the market. Internal support and supply chain assets include machines and mechanisms, buildings, and research centres whereas alliance-based assets establish company’s relations with all branches that take part in the manufacturing process making all plants that are situated outside the main area of Miele’s activity produce goods under the same brand. Strategic capabilities of Miele are based on the c ompany’s traditions and implementation of new technologies in operation. Functional capabilities include Miele’s manufacturing of high-quality goods though they do not try to compete at a price level selling their goods at appropriate cost. Operational capabilities include high-end goods and plans of the company for the future. Competition in a changing market Competition that takes place in the changing market has little relation to what Miele is going to achieve because the company is aimed at production of high-end goods that serve for long periods of time compared to those produced by competitors.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More In this respect, trying to compete for a price will make Miele’s products of lower quality discouraging loyal customers and people that wanted to buy products under this brand for their high quality from doing so. In other wo rds, Miele can compete for a price but it also can sustain its position in the market which is unique and remain a manufacturer of high-end products, home appliances, and other equipment. Successful resources for Miele in future Miele is a successful brand due to the unique niche it occupies in the global market contrasted to is competitors. Though some customers are ready to buy rather expensive products as investment in the future operation period, it is necessary to introduce changes concerning the resources spent on production of expensive goods. In other words, Miele’s target audience includes people that realise the benefits of such appliances or those who seek for prestigious tools (tools that are claimed to be prestigious to have produced under a definite brand). So, it is possible to reduce costs on production of ‘luxurious’ tools and make the products manufactured for ordinary people, that want to invest in appliances as a good method of economizing, mo re available in terms of costs. Reference List Hooley, Graham, Piercy, Graham Nicoulaud, Brigitte, 2008. Marketing strategy and competitive positioning. 4th ed. London: Pearson Education. This essay on Miele: Organisational Resources Base was written and submitted by user Kaylynn C. to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

MTV Case Swot Analysis Essays

MTV Case Swot Analysis Essays MTV Case Swot Analysis Essay MTV Case Swot Analysis Essay Because of MTV’s connection to popular culture, it attracts the young adult population, who are some of the strongest money spenders, to be their number one demographic of viewers. It is effortless for young adults to be loyal to MTV because it shows them what they want, such as coverage on music, lifestyle, fashion, and film. Having the loyalty of the young adult population is very important to MTV’s success because this demographic is typically known for being trendsetters in popular culture. Its first-mover advantage in the industry also played a huge role in establishing and maintaining a connection with the youth audience. This dominance over the young adult population has led cable networks and advertisers to have a high demand for advertising on MTV, which is another one of their strengths. Advertisers are eager to gain advertising slots during MTV’s most sought after programs such as the MTV music awards. Many companies, such as Burger King and Foot Locker, have sponsored MTV so that they can reach out to young adults across the country. Because MTV lead to the success of many artists, many of them hope to be affiliated with MTV so that they will continue to be relevant in today’s pop culture. This is another strength for MTV because it’s alliance with so many celebrities is another factor of why they have such a strong following in the young adult market. MTV has been successful in its expansion into the global market because it localizes itself to fit the interests of its audience. Its mergers with companies such as the Philippines’ National Broadcasting Company has also made them more relevant to the local culture. MTV has become a global brand through its expansion to China, Europe, India, and other places around the world. MTV’s support for political and social causes, such as the 2004 presidential elections or relief for Hurricane Katrina, has made it more even more relevant to viewers across the country. This has led to their influence and power in entertainment media. Another strength is that the MTV network has various channels that as a whole cater to an even broader demographic. For example, they own Nickelodeon, which is a channel primarily for children, or they own BET, which focuses on African-American music and entertainment. Weaknesses MTV continuously risks losing its dominating position because it solely serves momentary on-demand interests. This is difficult because it means that MTV must constantly find out what these interests are and be the first to expand them no matter how fast they might change. Because cable television offers several other alternatives, MTV must work even harder to continually grasp the attention of its audience. Another weakness that MTV has is the fact that their many cultural misunderstandings have led to them have difficulties reaching local audiences. In order to better reach these local audiences, it must use advertising and branding that is more appropriate to their culture. Opportunities MTV saw many of its competitors as opportunities as opposed to threats. When competitors such as BET, The Box, or VH1 gained large success across the country, MTV sought to purchase these companies and add them to their MTV networks unit, which has increased MTV’s revenue significantly. The digital age has also presented MTV with an opportunity to expand its market. Merging with mobile and Internet companies could lead to a wider distribution of their products. Also, a lot of MTV’s success has come from being a channel that is interactive with its users, so technology could add to their success by allowing them to hold polls for the VMA’s (Video Music Awards) on their mobile phones, for example. Globalization has also been a huge opportunity for MTV to expand into emerging markets, such as BRIC countries, Brazil, India, and China. For instance, the 12-34 age group, MTV’s target market, accounts for nearly two-thirds of Asia’s population. Increasing advertising in these countries also provides MTV with an opportunity to increase its advertising revenue. Threats Although MTV has bought out many of its competitors, it still has a lot of competition to face against companies such as FuseTV. New technologies that have emerged in recent time have led to the creation of even more channels that MTV has to compete against. Also, MTV initially had a hard time providing international local cultures with program material that would be of interest to them. Instead, they provided them with English speaking channels and American music without thinking that they might enjoy something that is more in line with their cultures. Although MTV has since done a better job of catering to those local cultures, many different countries such as Germany had created their own local music channels by then that started to compete with MTV. Those countries have a familiarity with the local audiences that MTV doesn’t and needs to have, giving those local music channels a competitive advantage. Also, another threat to MTV’s success is the fact that their advertising revenue has started to decrease ever since cable networks have started to lose their appeal. Because an increasing number of people are using digital cable to watch their shows and skip ads or watching shows online, advertisers are spending less money on advertising on MTV. MTV’s late addition of their online site has also put them behind on making money from online advertising. MTV’s dominance over the 12-34 market can be a threat to them as well because they, the MTV Generation, are growing old and will soon be uninterested in this channel since it largely caters to the youth. MTV needs to find a new market to please as this generation gets older, and it is a threat to their success that the young adult stage is a very short-lived stage in a person’s life. Young adult’s interests are also extremely quick to change, which could make it difficult for MTV to effectively keep up with them.

MTV Case Swot Analysis Essays

MTV Case Swot Analysis Essays MTV Case Swot Analysis Essay MTV Case Swot Analysis Essay Because of MTV’s connection to popular culture, it attracts the young adult population, who are some of the strongest money spenders, to be their number one demographic of viewers. It is effortless for young adults to be loyal to MTV because it shows them what they want, such as coverage on music, lifestyle, fashion, and film. Having the loyalty of the young adult population is very important to MTV’s success because this demographic is typically known for being trendsetters in popular culture. Its first-mover advantage in the industry also played a huge role in establishing and maintaining a connection with the youth audience. This dominance over the young adult population has led cable networks and advertisers to have a high demand for advertising on MTV, which is another one of their strengths. Advertisers are eager to gain advertising slots during MTV’s most sought after programs such as the MTV music awards. Many companies, such as Burger King and Foot Locker, have sponsored MTV so that they can reach out to young adults across the country. Because MTV lead to the success of many artists, many of them hope to be affiliated with MTV so that they will continue to be relevant in today’s pop culture. This is another strength for MTV because it’s alliance with so many celebrities is another factor of why they have such a strong following in the young adult market. MTV has been successful in its expansion into the global market because it localizes itself to fit the interests of its audience. Its mergers with companies such as the Philippines’ National Broadcasting Company has also made them more relevant to the local culture. MTV has become a global brand through its expansion to China, Europe, India, and other places around the world. MTV’s support for political and social causes, such as the 2004 presidential elections or relief for Hurricane Katrina, has made it more even more relevant to viewers across the country. This has led to their influence and power in entertainment media. Another strength is that the MTV network has various channels that as a whole cater to an even broader demographic. For example, they own Nickelodeon, which is a channel primarily for children, or they own BET, which focuses on African-American music and entertainment. Weaknesses MTV continuously risks losing its dominating position because it solely serves momentary on-demand interests. This is difficult because it means that MTV must constantly find out what these interests are and be the first to expand them no matter how fast they might change. Because cable television offers several other alternatives, MTV must work even harder to continually grasp the attention of its audience. Another weakness that MTV has is the fact that their many cultural misunderstandings have led to them have difficulties reaching local audiences. In order to better reach these local audiences, it must use advertising and branding that is more appropriate to their culture. Opportunities MTV saw many of its competitors as opportunities as opposed to threats. When competitors such as BET, The Box, or VH1 gained large success across the country, MTV sought to purchase these companies and add them to their MTV networks unit, which has increased MTV’s revenue significantly. The digital age has also presented MTV with an opportunity to expand its market. Merging with mobile and Internet companies could lead to a wider distribution of their products. Also, a lot of MTV’s success has come from being a channel that is interactive with its users, so technology could add to their success by allowing them to hold polls for the VMA’s (Video Music Awards) on their mobile phones, for example. Globalization has also been a huge opportunity for MTV to expand into emerging markets, such as BRIC countries, Brazil, India, and China. For instance, the 12-34 age group, MTV’s target market, accounts for nearly two-thirds of Asia’s population. Increasing advertising in these countries also provides MTV with an opportunity to increase its advertising revenue. Threats Although MTV has bought out many of its competitors, it still has a lot of competition to face against companies such as FuseTV. New technologies that have emerged in recent time have led to the creation of even more channels that MTV has to compete against. Also, MTV initially had a hard time providing international local cultures with program material that would be of interest to them. Instead, they provided them with English speaking channels and American music without thinking that they might enjoy something that is more in line with their cultures. Although MTV has since done a better job of catering to those local cultures, many different countries such as Germany had created their own local music channels by then that started to compete with MTV. Those countries have a familiarity with the local audiences that MTV doesn’t and needs to have, giving those local music channels a competitive advantage. Also, another threat to MTV’s success is the fact that their advertising revenue has started to decrease ever since cable networks have started to lose their appeal. Because an increasing number of people are using digital cable to watch their shows and skip ads or watching shows online, advertisers are spending less money on advertising on MTV. MTV’s late addition of their online site has also put them behind on making money from online advertising. MTV’s dominance over the 12-34 market can be a threat to them as well because they, the MTV Generation, are growing old and will soon be uninterested in this channel since it largely caters to the youth. MTV needs to find a new market to please as this generation gets older, and it is a threat to their success that the young adult stage is a very short-lived stage in a person’s life. Young adult’s interests are also extremely quick to change, which could make it difficult for MTV to effectively keep up with them.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Leadership assessment Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Leadership assessment - Assignment Example This was clearly indicated by the below average rating in the final report of the survey. Also, most students recommended that this is a field that I should improve on. Critical thinking is an important trait in leadership that helps one to make informed decisions and hence be able to come up with clear and workable solutions for any problem (Scouller, 2011). According to comments from the survey, this character is shown in my poor approach to social problems. As a student aspiring to be a leader, this weakness portrays me to the people as a poor problem tackler. This gives a negative attitude to the people towards my leadership strategies. Thus, it is significant to solve this problem at an early stage. For this reason, I plan to assimilate various techniques to curb this weakness. One of the measures that I plan to undertake is getting involved in more debate sessions in the school. This will help me to improve on my defensive skills, as I try to reason out through stated problems. Another approach is to read more materials on the topics of proper leadership. This will help me to find out tactics of making informed decisions in times of critical problems. Finally, I will be more interactive in my fellow students’ problems so as to try and apply whatever I learn. This will help alleviate the attitude that these students have on me. This way, I believe that in four months’ time, I can manage to sharpen my decision making skills(Scouller, 2011). In this transformation process, I will involve my discussion group membersto oversee my implementation process. I will request them to advise me once in a week and give me a critical evaluation on my behavior. Having one of these group members being a leader in the student counsel, I believe he will be in a good position to correct my actions. In this process, my major challenge will be finding a way to instill this learnt skill into my day today behavior within such a short period. This is because acquired traits

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Anti Money Laundering Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Anti Money Laundering - Assignment Example I have now realized that money laundering is associated with unethical issues in the society and this is what has stimulated intensive research to look into the matter. Money laundering has been associated with criminal activities such as drug trafficking, terror activities and massive corruption .I think this is what has influenced massive research into the issue bringing about anti money laundering activities. The article, (Financial Action Task Force, 2005) clearly shows that anti money laundering activities are aimed at preventing issuance of money to finance these criminal activities. I have learnt that a study of the methods used and trends linked to money laundering is one of the crucial components of anti money laundering activities. Furthermore, this helps to know what the money transferred is used for. I think the financial sector is one of the main sector which helps in transfer of these large sums of money. As such, banking institutions should be required to know their customers well and the businesses they engage in to prevent such criminal activities from taking place. I have learnt that politically exposed persons are usually the most vulnerable people in the society associated with money laundering activities (Greenberg, 2009). In my opinion, I think this is so because they handle large sums of money meant for the state and its citizens. However, most of these politically exposed persons use the money for their own selfish gains. Furthermore, they extort and accept bribes from citizens to enrich themselves. I tend to think that they thus use the domestic financial systems of the country to launder their stolen money. That is why they are mainly involved in financing drug trafficking activities which is a criminal offence (United States Department of State, 2012). Anti money laundering campaigns should therefore aim at identifying these people during their

Monday, November 18, 2019

Political Realism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Political Realism - Essay Example It supposedly achieves certain results (e.g. status quo, dà ©tente) that are pivotal in the stability of international relations. These principles expound on detailed explanations and illustrations that underscored the realist perspectives in international politics - that nations must advance their own self-interest because: a) it is more effective in achieving political objectives; b) it balances international powers; c) it is better than the idealist/moralistic approach in pursuing not just effective foreign policy, but social and other domestic objectives as well; and, d) it is crucial in a state’s very survival. Morgenthau’s arguments cited the experience of the Second World War and international relations in a post-war period to drive home his point. He criticized the political idealism that preceded the First World War, the political theory, which he believed paved the way for the outbreak of the Second World War. He used the British experience as an example: Neville Chamberlain’s politics of appeasement were†¦ inspired by good motives; he was†¦ less motivated by considerations of personal power than were many other British prime ministers and he sought to preserve peace and to assure the happiness of all concerned. Yet his policies helped to make the Second World War inevitable.1 Morgenthau cited Churchill’s policy which apparently ran counter to Chamberlain’s policy of appeasement. He noted that Churchill was able to successfully navigate international politics than his predecessor because of the former’s strategy of advancing Britain’s power in the world stage. Interestingly, the seemingly selfish policy of self-advancement for states becomes an important tool for achieving and maintaining peace as well. As power becomes the principal theme of international politics, states wittingly an unwittingly strive to maintain an equilibrium or balance of it by attaining, preserving and/or increasing their

Friday, November 15, 2019

Functionalist conflict and symbolic perspectives on education

Functionalist conflict and symbolic perspectives on education The basis of todays theoretical perspectives provides sociologists with a philosophical position for asking certain kinds of questions about society and the people that occupy it. The three primary perspectives are functionalist, conflict, and interactionist. These three theories are very relative to education and the whole learning process. These different perspectives allow sociologists the ability to explain how society influences people and their actions. Each perspective uniquely conceptualizes society, social forces, and human behavior. The functionalist perspective, also known as functionalism, states that each aspect of society is interdependent and contributes to societys functioning as a whole. The government, or state, provides education for the children of the family, which in turn pays taxes on which the state depends to keep itself running. The family is dependent upon the school to help children grow up to have good jobs so that they can raise and support their own families. With this being said, the children become law-abiding and taxpaying citizens, who in turn support the state. The parts of society produce order, stability, and productivity. If something goes wrong, the parts of society then must adapt to recapture a new order, stability, and productivity. For example, the financial recession we are in right now, with the high rates of unemployment and inflation, social programs and their budgets are usually cut back because funding isnt available. Families end up having to cut back on their spending an d budget as well just to make ends meet. Functionalists believe that society is held together by social consensus and work together to achieve what is best for society as a whole. The functionalist perspective was popular during the 1940s and 1950s among American sociologist. American functionalists focused on discovering the functions of human behavior and European functionalists focused on explaining the inner workings of social order. Sociologist Robert Merton, who was born in 1910, divided human functions into two different types: manifest functions are those that are intentional and obvious and latent functions are those that are unintentional and not obvious. For example, my manifest function of attending my church is to worship, receive the word, and help children, but my latent function may be to help those children learn to discern religious and personal views. Manifest functions are apparent, while the latent functions have a more sociological approach. A sociological approach in functionalism is the consideration of the relationship between the functions of smaller parts and the functions of the whole. Functionalism has received criticism for neglecting the negative functions of something such as abuse. Critics claim that the perspective justifies the status quo and complacency on the part of societys members. Functionalism does not encourage people to take an active role in changing their social environment, even when such change may benefit them. Instead, functionalism sees active social change as undesirable because the various parts of society will compensate naturally for any problems that may arise. Karl Marxs writings on class struggles sparked the conflict perspective. The conflict perspective presents society in a different light than do the functionalist and symbolic interactionist perspectives. The conflict perspective focuses on the negative, conflicted, and ever-changing nature of society. Unlike functionalists who defend the status quo, avoid social change, and believe people cooperate to effect social order, conflict theorists challenge the status quo, encourage social change, and believe rich and powerful people force social order on the poor and the less fortunate. American sociologists in the 1940s and 1950s generally ignored the conflict perspective in favor of the functionalist, the 1960s saw American sociologists gain interest in conflict theory. They also expanded Marxs idea that the key conflict in society was strictly economic. Today, conflict theorists find social conflict between any groups in which the potential for inequality exists such as race, gender, religion, political views, and economic stance, etc. Conflict theorists note that unequal groups usually have conflicting values and agendas, causing them to compete against one another. This constant competition between groups forms the basis for the ever-changing nature of society. Critics of the conflict perspective point out its negative view of society. The theory attributes humanitarian efforts, altruism, democracy, civil rights, and other positive aspects of society to capitalistic designs to control the masses, not to inherent interests in preserving society and social order. The symbolic interactionist perspective, directs sociologists to consider the symbols and details of everyday life, what these symbols mean, and how people interact with each other. Although symbolic interactionist perspective traces its origins to Max Webers assertion that individuals act according to their interpretation of the meaning of their world, the American philosopher George H. Mead (1863-1931) introduced this perspective to American sociology in the 1920s. According to the symbolic interactionist perspective, people attach meanings to symbols, and then they act according to their subjective interpretation of these symbols. Verbal conversations, in which spoken words serve as the predominant symbols, make this subjective interpretation very evident. The words have a certain meaning for the sender, and, during effective communication, they hopefully have the same meaning for the receiver. Words are not static things; they require intention and interpretation. Conversation is an interaction of symbols between individuals who constantly interpret the world around them. Of course, anything can serve as a symbol as long as it refers to something beyond itself. Written music serves as an example. The black dots and lines become more than just marks on the page; they refer to notes organized in such a way to make music. Symbolic interactionists give serious thought to how people act, and then seek to determine what meanings individuals assign to their own actions and symbols. Applying symbolic interactionist perspective to the American institution of marriage, symbols may include wedding bands, vows of life-long commitment, a white bridal dress, a wedding cake, a Church ceremony, and flowers and music. American society attaches general meanings to these symbols, but individuals also maintain their own perceptions of what these and other symbols mean. For example, one of the spouses may see their circular wedding rings as symbolizing everlasting love, while the other may see them as a financial expense. Critics claim that the symbolic interactionist perspective neglects the macro level of social interpretation or the big picture. In other words, symbolic interactionists may miss the larger issues of society by focusing too closely on the trees or the size of the diamond in the wedding ring rather than the forest or the quality of the marriage. The perspective also receives criticism for slighting the influence of social forces and institutions on individual interactions. All of these perspectives have valid points as well as constructive criticism that holds value. The one perspective that sticks out to me is the conflict perspective; to me this perspective is real. I think being able to identify the many things that are wrong with our society today, makes the blows less painful when something goes wrong. The conflict perspective focuses on the negative, conflicted, and ever-changing nature of society. With this being said the conflict perspective can also be viewed in a positive light. Someone learning about this perspective their eyes could be opened up to many different issues that they might not necessarily experience.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

The Cult Of True Womanhood Essay examples -- essays research papers

The Cult of True Womanhood The "Cult of True Womanhood" has greatly influenced society throughout all of America's history. This set of standards was first accepted and practiced by all of the European colonies. They were then passed through the generations and, in many cases, still exist. I'll describe the essay, "The Cult of True Womanhood," and discuss my views on it. I'll then illustrate how these standards are still present in today's society. First, I'll discuss the essay. It's easiest to describe this essay if I begin by defining "The Cult of True Womanhood." As I stated the introduction, it is a set of standards. These principles create and have created a strong division between the genders, and therefore, caused tension. Basically, it states that men are to work and make money for the family. A woman's goal was to find a husband and have children. Women were also expected to have four main cardinal virtues - piety, purity, submissiveness, and domestication. Piety is, basically, grace. Women were to expected to always be dainty and lovely. Purity speaks for itself. Women were expected to stay abstinent until marriage. Submissiveness means that the woman should, once married to a man, completely devote herself to him, carrying out his every wish within her power. One very powerful sentence in the essay well represents the woman's goals and values well according to "The Cul...